Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Managed Storage Services Online – Online Data Backup Service Versus Tape Backup

Using a backup service provider allows you to use their offsite managed backup service. Essentially, it will let you make a backup from a local computer to a network. Any business that needs to backup and restore data fast can benefit from a managed backup service.

You might be wondering why you shouldn´t use tapes, since they´ve been used for data backup for a long time.

Studies have recently shown that recovery methods based on tape can be prone to failure or complications and they´re not that cost effective either. On the other hand, managed storage services can be cost worthy, flexible, fast, reliable and secure.

There is another possible disadvantage of tape backup solutions, and that´s the human error probability, which can happen during tape transportation or rotation.

Below you can read the story of a Connecticut bank that happened in January.

A bank from Bridgeport, Connecticut called the People´s Bank, lost a tape during transportation, which contained personal data of around 90,000 customers. It contained their names, social security numbers, addresses and account numbers. It was sent originally to Pennsylvania. If something like this happens to your business, it can be disastrous, and not only for you, but for your customers as well.

Another case was that of Bank of America, which lost data of 1.2 million clients in 2005, according to The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

These data protection solutions that service providers offer are multi-faceted. You can use their services to reduce your risks of misplacement, theft, human error, malicious attacks or hardware failure.

The provider of remote data backup recovery services automatically encrypts, compresses and transmits the data to a data center that is highly secure.

The remote data backup service vs the ownership cost of tapes is also a factor that will make the difference for businesses.

In a large enterprise, the costs of tape backup is influenced by software, hardware, staffing, support and media. Another cost is having a second location to store data tapes, and it will also need software, hardware, staffing, support and communications. All in all, the total cost of ownership for a tape backup solution can be huge.

You no longer need media or shelved media when you use a remote backup service provider. You don´t need to hire as much personnel either, to take care of the tapes and to maintain the systems.

Switching to a service such as this can reduce your expenses by up to 70%, and you would also eliminate the chances of a human error.

Discover the best managed online backup services at my site. Learn where to get cheap offsite data backup services for your business needs.

Keep your data safe with online back systems

For a lot of us, our computer has become a huge source of our lives.  The computer gives us access to research, work, and entertainment.  It also holds important personal documents for us such as our tax returns, pictures and videos, work documents, school documents, DVD and CD copies, and so much more!

Now imagine that your computer crashes and you lose everything.  Maybe not everything, but losing even a small portion of the vast records you have stored could be devastating; pictures and videos that you cannot replace, a copy of your favorite CD that you don't have the original to. This disaster has happened to many and left them feeling regretful that they didn't back up their files.

There are many online backup solutions providers that will prevent you from losing any information even if your computer gets totally fried. For a monthly or yearly subscription, you can download a program that will automatically back up every file you have on your computer.  Then, the company you chose will store all that information for you.

Yes, you could back up everything yourself to a portable or remote hard drive. On the other hand, you have to actually remember to manually perform a backup on a regular basis. However, an advantage to online backup solutions, it that every day the new files you create and new pictures you upload will be safely backed up without you giving it a single thought.

You will be assured that your online backup services system is working for you because you will regularly get pop-up notifications of the last successful backup.  If there are ever any problems with the system you will also get a notification and are able to access your online backup solutions provider or trouble shoot your computer.

If your computer does crash, once you get it up and running again, or purchase a new computer, you simply access your online backup solutions provider and transfer all your files back over! It's really that simple.

Plans are as low as $50 a year, making the peace of mind worth every penny! Not only that, but most of the online backup solutions systems are so easy to use and understand that a beginner will have no trouble backing up there electronic records within minutes of subscription.

With all the important information and records you keep on our computers, can you really afford the risk of a crash?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Don't ever Lose Files Due to a Crash

For a lot of us, our computer has become a huge source of our lives.  The computer gives us access to research, work, and entertainment.  It also holds important personal documents for us such as our tax returns, pictures and videos, work documents, school documents, DVD and CD copies, and so much more!

Now imagine that your computer crashes and you lose everything.  Maybe not everything, but losing even a small portion of the vast records you have stored could be devastating; pictures and videos that you cannot replace, a copy of your favorite CD that you don't have the original to. This disaster has happened to many and left them feeling regretful that they didn't back up their files.

There are many online backup solutions providers that will prevent you from losing any information even if your computer gets totally fried. For a monthly or yearly subscription, you can download a program that will automatically back up every file you have on your computer.  Then, the company you chose will store all that information for you.

Yes, you could back up everything yourself to a portable or remote hard drive. On the other hand, you have to actually remember to manually perform a backup on a regular basis. However, an advantage to online backup solutions, it that every day the new files you create and new pictures you upload will be safely backed up without you giving it a single thought.

You will be assured that your online backup providers system is working for you because you will regularly get pop-up notifications of the last successful backup.  If there are ever any problems with the system you will also get a notification and are able to access your online backup solutions provider or trouble shoot your computer.

If your computer does crash, once you get it up and running again, or purchase a new computer, you simply access your online backup solutions provider and transfer all your files back over! It's really that simple.

Plans are as low as $50 a year, making the peace of mind worth every penny! Not only that, but most of the online backup solutions systems are so easy to use and understand that a beginner will have no trouble backing up there electronic records within minutes of subscription.

With all the important information and records you keep on our computers, can you really afford the risk of a crash?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Managed Storage Services Online – Online Data Backup Service Versus Tape Backup

Using a backup service provider allows you to use their offsite managed backup service. Essentially, it will let you make a backup from a local computer to a network. Any business that needs to backup and restore data fast can benefit from a managed backup service.

You might be wondering why you shouldn´t use tapes, since they´ve been used for data backup for a long time.

Studies have recently shown that recovery methods based on tape can be prone to failure or complications and they´re not that cost effective either. On the other hand, managed storage services can be cost worthy, flexible, fast, reliable and secure.

There is another possible disadvantage of tape backup solutions, and that´s the human error probability, which can happen during tape transportation or rotation.

Below you can read the story of a Connecticut bank that happened in January.

A bank from Bridgeport, Connecticut called the People´s Bank, lost a tape during transportation, which contained personal data of around 90,000 customers. It contained their names, social security numbers, addresses and account numbers. It was sent originally to Pennsylvania. If something like this happens to your business, it can be disastrous, and not only for you, but for your customers as well.

Another case was that of Bank of America, which lost data of 1.2 million clients in 2005, according to The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

These data protection solutions that service providers offer are multi-faceted. You can use their services to reduce your risks of misplacement, theft, human error, malicious attacks or hardware failure.

The provider of remote data backup recovery services automatically encrypts, compresses and transmits the data to a data center that is highly secure.

The remote data backup service vs the ownership cost of tapes is also a factor that will make the difference for businesses.

In a large enterprise, the costs of tape backup is influenced by software, hardware, staffing, support and media. Another cost is having a second location to store data tapes, and it will also need software, hardware, staffing, support and communications. All in all, the total cost of ownership for a tape backup solution can be huge.

You no longer need media or shelved media when you use a remote backup service provider. You don´t need to hire as much personnel either, to take care of the tapes and to maintain the systems.

Switching to a service such as this can reduce your expenses by up to 70%, and you would also eliminate the chances of a human error.

Discover the best managed online backup services at my site. Learn where to get cheap offsite data backup services for your business needs.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why You Need Online Data Backup

We all know how frustrating it is when our computer crashes and we lose that document that we’ve been working on for the past hour. On an individual basis it isn’t that big an issue, however what happens when it comes to a business with large volumes of critical data? Any loss of information could potentially bring the business to its knees so steps need to be taken to ensure that business critical information can be backed up and recovered quickly.  This is where online data backup comes in.

What exactly is online data backup?

Online data backup is an IT support solution consisting of off site data centre that will automate the data backup process, transferring copies of your information onto its systems for safe keeping.

Why use it?

Online data backup is completely separate from your computer and your home. If you travel around a lot or you don’t use the same computer all the time then you will be able to access your data wherever you are. It also takes the pressure off you and your computer and ensures that you always have a back up plan in case the worst happens.

How does it work?

The process of backing up data online consists of three elements:

1) Installing the software (or backup agent as it is often called). The software scans the hard drives and selects the data to be stored. The data is the encrypted and compressed.

2) The encrypted data is then transferred to the secure off site data centre. In most cases, a standard broadband connection is more than sufficient for this task.

3) The data is then stored at the data centre, which is the building that contains the secure servers and hardware.

Is it safe?

Safeguards you should pay attention to when evaluating potential suppliers would include making sure that they use secure data connections as well as ensuring that data is encrypted to a 128 bit level before transmission. If the data centre has mirrored data centres in other geographical locations then this will ensure an extra level of security.

What are the benefits?

Online data backup eliminates the need for carrying round floppy disks, CDs or USB storage devices which can easily get damaged and lose your data. In the case where data is lost, it can be recovered instantly – ensuring a minimal knock on effect to your business. The process is extremely cost efficient, eliminating the overheads required for appropriate hardware, staff and training.


You  really can’t afford not to take advantage of this quick and convenient option!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Truth about Data Recovery Utilities

No one wants data loss, but of all the internet wired people I know, I have yet to meet one who has not, at some point, lost important data. This is inevitable, and has nothing to do with the electronic age in particular. Think about it. Haven't you ever lost a notebook for school, or perhaps a paper that you had to turn in? No matter what form our data takes, we will have to face the possibility of losing it or boys pirates bedding. Fortunately computers, unlike other mediums, provide us with data recovery utilities to cope with these disasters.

The best data recovery utility is one which prevents data loss before it happens by providing a backup copy. Really, any kind of file backup system can be considered a data recovery utility. There are many different forms of backup, which vary in complexity, reliability, physical location, and expense. The simplest data recovery utility or dinosaur bedding for boys is making a physical backup of important files. This can be done with a flash drive, which can then be carried with you, or put in a safe place. This has the advantage of portability, but isn't really all that reliable of a data recovery utility.

A better idea is to backup on a physical hard drive. There are data recovery utilities called raid systems, which will automatically create an identical copy of your hard drive and cowboy bedding for boys as you go along. This is great, because if one hard drive fails, you will still have all of your files on the other hard drive. Another kind of data recovery utility is an off-site backup. This means that your computer logs into a server and uploads encrypted copies of its data on a nightly basis. The data is secured and protected on that remote system. This has the advantage that if something were to happen to your building – say a fire, or an earthquake or other natural disaster, there would still be a perfect copy of your data existing elsewhere.

Of course, once you physically lose your data, you can still find a data recovery utility to use, but your chances of success are much lower. There is data recovery utility software which will search a damaged hard drive, or the fragments of an accidentally erased file, and will sometimes, at least partially, be able to recover what you have lost. Still, this kind of data recovery utility only has a moderate success rate at best, so you would do better to take adequate precaution to not lose your data in the first place.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Laptop Backup Software Technology

Close to 200 million remote employees make remote backup software one of the most important software needed in the business environment. Why is remote back up software so important? First over a half a million laptops are misplaced at US airports every year. The second reason is that over 60 percent of laptop users do not backup their files when commencing a trip. The great majority of laptop users do not protect their work while traveling therefore multiplying the chances of losing data.

Even while traveling remote data backup software lets your work to outlast your trip. Corporate employees that work on the road can use the laptop backup software to protect their work.

The 3 most commonly given causes for not backing up work are that backup software systems do not work over a Wide Area Network; there is not enough bandwidth connectivity; and the laptop backup software being used causes their personal portable computer to start crawling therefore decreasing their work productivity. The necessity of locating the right backup program can not be emphasied enough.

The problems users report can be eliminated with good remote backup computer software. Remember to look for a software program that will solve the problems that your people are having, remote data backup software that works over the WAN, software that works with the bandwidth connectivity that they have and a software package that does not take all the computer resources when it is running. This is the laptop backup software that employees who work away from their desks need.

Look for a smart remote backup software package that allows for thoroughput adjustment which lets you to arrange only a percentage of bandwidth for use by the program. Also look for a remote data backup software program that is secure and uses SSL encryption over WAN and offers WAN optimization.

See that the backup software package uses de-duplication. Saving backup storage required by using de-duplication is an important feature for the corporate employer. Using de-duplication can reduce backup time, bandwidth and storage.

Along with requiring the software is secure decision makers should count WAN usage, bandwidth connectivity and a software package that uses de-duplication. By checking on all these items before buying the corporate remote data backup software package you will own the best laptop backup software program.

Don’t lose your mission critical data, find out how Laptop Backup Software can save your business at a critical time. Visit http://www.druvaa.com/